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other works by

christian pitts

Raised as an only child on her family's sailboat, Christian Pitts takes us into the world of her childhood. Christian illuminates us to life on the outskirts of normal childhood society, her time spent living in a sailboat off the coast of Mexico, and brings us along on her journey into adulthood.

In The Act of Flight

The Queen of Flowers

This is the beautifully illustrated tale of a king and a queen meeting in a clash of cultures. When the king cannot accept the queen's refusal to marry him, he unleashes an environmental disaster that kills them both. Thanks to their culture of peace, the flowers are able to recover. Contains two pages of discussion questions to facilitate the conversation about different cultures and the environment. Geared towards children ages four to nine.

A group of aliens destroy their planet, but are able to recover by helping each other. Children's book, recommended for ages four through nine.

The Year of Universal Good

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